Mentors and advisors
Federico Bolaños & Gerardo Chaves Universidad de Costa Rica, San José-Costa Rica
Gabriel C. Costa UFRN, Natal-Brazil and Auburn University, Alabama-USA
Gabriela Parra-Olea, UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico
Franz Essl, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Sergio Villegas
Master's student at Universidad de Costa Rica developing the thesis "Determining priority areas for the conservation of endangered birds in Costa Rica"
Laura Segura
Undergrad thesis, Universidad de Costa Rica: “Climatic data provide clues on the geographic origin of a spider invasion in the Americas”. Laura is currently a PhD student at the Hebets Lab in the University of Nebraska, Lincoln.
Wagner Cháves
Undergrad research, Universidad de Costa Rica: "Conspecific and predatory perception of Oophaga pumilio red-bright morphs at the Central Caribbean of Costa Rica", now published at Journal of Herpetology. He is currently pursuing a PhD at Museo de Ciencias Naturales, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Sofía Granados
Undergrad research, Universidad de Costa Rica "Niche contraction of an endangered frog driven by the amphibian chytrid fungus" this article was recently accepted for publication at Ecohealth. Sofi will soon start a MSc at the Southern Illinois University
Pablo Muñoz
Undergrad thesis "Urbanization, habitat quantity, and its pattern threaten an endemic bird" published in Revista de Biología Tropical.
Héctor Zumbado-Ulate, Purdue University, Indiana, USA
Julián Velasco Vinasco, Centro de Ciencias de la Átmosfera, UNAM, Mexico
Fabricio Villalobos, INECOL, Xalapa, Mexico
Gabriela Parra Olea, Instituto de Biología, UNAM, Mexico
M. Delia Basanta Villalobos, Instituto de Biología, UNAM, Mexico
Marcelo Araya-Salas, Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica
Luis Sandoval, Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica
Catherine Searle, Purdue University, Indiana, USA